Children of migrants in Russia: the need for integrative educational support

  • Mariia Smirnova HSE University
Keywords: integration of migrant children, second generation of migrants, school education in Russia, access to education, language support, academic support, estimate of the number of children of migrants


This research paper considers the problem of migrant children's integration into Russian society through school education and offers estimates of the number of migrant children that potentially feel the need for specific educational support.

Since the 2010s there have been a large number of scientific works studying the situation of migrant children in Russia, and the effectiveness of Russian schools as an instrument of integration of migrant children receives ambiguous assessments in the literature: on the one hand, researchers criticize the lack of systemic support, while on the other hand, the surveys conducted do not statistically confirm either academic failure specific to migrants or social exclusion. This ambiguity is the result of a lack of understanding of the extent of migrants' demand for integration support.

This article analyzes the materials of five interviews and one focus group with experts from organizations that provide language and academic support to migrants’ children. The experts note the insufficiency of the existing infrastructure of support for such children and also state the problem of underestimating the scale of the need for it on the part of the academic community.

For the first time the paper proposes an estimate of the potential number of recipients of integration support. In constructing the model, the following characteristics were taken into account: the estimated number of migrant children aged 7 to 17 living in Russia at the end of 2020 and the risk of insufficient language competence and academic failure for these groups. Risk coefficients were applied to estimates of the number of migrant children from selected countries (Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, and Azerbaijan) derived from the cohort-component model.

The results suggested an estimate of the number of children potentially in need of educational support, which ranges from 30,000 to 60,000 children.


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How to Cite
Smirnova M. (2024). Children of migrants in Russia: the need for integrative educational support. Demographic Review, 11(1), 81-103.
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