The epidemiological transition in Russia: historical sight

  • Владимир Анатольевич Исупов Institute of History of The Siberian Branch of the RAS
Keywords: epidemiological transition, death rate, cause of death, sex and age composition of the dead, demographic catastrophe


This article considers the main historical trends in the dynamics of the epidemiological transition in Russia during the 20th century. The particular characteristics of this process are described. It is proved that the epidemiological transition in Russia had several starting points which had no real effect, and the reasons for these kinds of false starts are identified. The negative impact of non-demographic factors on the nature of the dynamics of the process of the epidemiological transition in Russia is shown. It is concluded that one of the most important and at the same time paradoxical features of Russian demographic history of the twentieth century is the fact that the epidemiological transition in the back areas of the country started  only during the Second World War.


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How to Cite
ИсуповВ. А. (2017). The epidemiological transition in Russia: historical sight. Demographic Review, 3(4), 82-92.
Historical demography