Demographic history of the Ukrainians of Primorsky krai 1897-2010: from the «Zeleny кlin» core to assimilation

  • Ренат Фаритович Темиргалеев Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev
Keywords: assimilation, demography, ethnodemography, Far East, Primorsky Krai, Primorye, Ukrainians


The article is devoted to the demographic history of Ukrainians of the Primorsky Krai (region) of the Russian Federation. In the late 19th – early 20th centuries most of the settlers in this region came from the Ukrainian provinces of the Russian Empire. In 1926, Ukrainians constituted 32.8% of the population of the Vladivostok District of the Far East and more than 40% of its rural population. At the same time, the 2010 census of the Russian Federation showed only 2.5% of Ukrainians throughout the territory of the modern Primorsky Krai. The author highlights the demographic history of Ukrainians in Primorsky Krai during the 20th century, shows the main stages of their demographic history, and explains the causes of the gradual decrease in the proportion of Ukrainians in the region, especially evident between the 1989 and 2010 censuses, i.e. mainly in the post-Soviet period.


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How to Cite
ТемиргалеевР. Ф. (2017). Demographic history of the Ukrainians of Primorsky krai 1897-2010: from the «Zeleny кlin» core to assimilation. Demographic Review, 4(4), 150-169.
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