From expanse to space: the search for geography in a book on geography

Review of a collective monograph «Migration throughout times: From the bronze age to the century of the digital». Ed. by S. Panarin

  • Фёдор Аркадьевич Попов Lomonosov Moscow State University
Keywords: collective monograph, migration, history of migrations, moving, space, geography, imagined map, atlas


An essay on the impossibility of studying migration without recourse to geography as a way to understand reality. Using as an example a collective monograph made without the direct involvement of geographers, it is shown that the spatiality of the phenomenon of migration manifests itself even when it is paid no special attention.  The collective work on migration here reviewed is compared to an imagined atlas: behind each section is an imaginary map or series of maps, all of which are interconnected by the book’s overall structure as well as by the numerous internal references and overlaps.


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Ot veka bronzovogo do veka tsifrovogo: fenomen migratsii vo vremeni [Migration throughout times: from the bronze age to the digital age] (2018). Kollektivnaya monografiya [A collective monograph] / Compiled and edited by S.A. Panarin; editor of texts in English A.A. Kosmarsky. Barnaul: Izdatel'stvo Altayskogo universiteta. 436 p. ISBN 978-5-7904-2258-4.

How to Cite
ПоповФ. А. (2018). From expanse to space: the search for geography in a book on geography. Demographic Review, 5(2), 181-186.