Attitudes to pronatalist policy measures according to the data of the 2015 micro-census

Keywords: Russian Microcensus-2015, analytic limitations, reproductive intentions, family policy, effectiveness


The article aims to evaluate the possible motivational potential (in terms of having more children than planned) of various measures of family policy listed in the questionnaire of the Russian Microcensus-2015. During the last several decades, fertility in Russia has been below the level of simple reproduction. The state, starting in 2005, has expressed an interest in finding effective measures to raise fertility in the country. The latest Microcensus had, among other objectives, the goal of “testing” the attractiveness of different policy measures for the general population. These included both already existing policies (federal and regional “maternity capitals”, land grants) and those which were hypothetical at the moment (prolongation of paid childcare leave until the child reaches the age of three, a guaranteed place in kindergarten, benefits equal to the cost of living for every child starting from the third, tax benefits, flexible working hours/work from home, and interest-free loans for the purchase of housing).

Our research was conducted using methods of descriptive statistics, since data at the individual level were not available on the Microcensus site. We studied differences in the perception of the proposed measures by gender, age, education level, numbers of already existing and desired children, and employment status. The research showed a possible clustering of women (and probably men as well) into those who intend to have just one, two or three children. Measures focused on a third child were of no interest to the first and second groups of respondents. The interest-free housing loan was found to be the most popular measure among virtually all groups of respondents. On the whole, measures having a paternalistic character were perceived positively, while the least attractive measures included work from home and tax benefits. This is probably due to the fact that the former is associated with lower earnings, and the latter are relevant only to those who work in the official sector of the economy. An intention to have three children can be observed mostly among women with lower education and in rural areas.


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How to Cite
ИсуповаО. Г. (2018). Attitudes to pronatalist policy measures according to the data of the 2015 micro-census. Demographic Review, 5(3), 25-56.
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