Reviewing Articles

  1. Articles are reviewed in accordance with the requirements of the Publication Ethics adopted in Demographic Review.
  2. All original articles undergo obligatory double anonymous review. In case of dispute, an additional reviewer may be appointed. All reviewers are recognized experts on the subject of the materials under review and have relevant publications on the subject.
  3. Translations of published articles, book reviews, reviews of scientific events, obituaries, archival materials, letters to the editorial office and other similar materials are not subject to review. The decision to publish them is taken by the Editorial Board after submission by the editorial staff.
  4. The review is made according to the scheme approved by the editors and contains a general assessment of the manuscript, recommendations of the reviewer, the referee's conclusion about the need for a second review, as well as additional comments for the editorial office (confidential) and for the author.
  5. In the case of positive reviews with requests for revisions of the article, they are immediately sent to the author (authors) with a proposal to rework the article. In the case of negative or mutually contradictory reviews of the article, the issue of its future fate is considered by members of the editorial staff and / or editorial board, and the article is sent either for additional review or for revision to the author(s), or is rejected.
  6. After considerable revision, the article can be sent for re-review to both the author of the previous review and the new reviewer.
  7. The editors of the publication send authors of the submitted materials a review or a refusal with a reasoned explanation. The reviews are kept in the editorial office for 5 years.