About the Journal
Aims and Scope
The Demographic Review (ISSN 2409-2274) is an academic peer-reviewed journal on demography and population studies.
It serves as a platform for the publication of research papers, discussions, book reviews, translations of classic articles by foreign authors, archival and other materials that contribute to the advancement of demographic science and dissemination of demographic knowledge in Russia and beyond.
The Demographic Review aims to encourage the expansion and integration of the research community working in the field of demography and related disciplines. These include population history and geography, social statistics, sociology and demography of family, marriage and partnership relations, migration studies, household economics, demographic aspects of population health, intergenerational studies, and more. Our geographical focus is global.
The Demographic Review is published four times a year in the Russian language. In addition to the Russian-language issues, a selection of articles from these issues are translated and published in English. The selection of papers for translation is made in close consultation with the Editorial Board.
The Demographic Review has been published since 2014 by the Vishnevsky Institute of Demography, National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University). The founder is HSE University.
Open access policy
The Demographic Review is an open access online journal (CC BY-SA) that publishes articles on an ongoing basis. Publication in the journal is free of charge for authors. All published materials are available for viewing and downloading without subscription or pre-registration on the journal's website.
The Demographic Review is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) on 13 October 2016. Mass media registration certificate is ЭЛ № ФС77-67362.
Abstracting and Indexing Information
The Demographic Review is indexed in the following databases: DOAJ, CrossRef, Google Scholar, ERIH PLUS, WorldCat, BASE, ResearchBib, ROAD, EBSCO, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Dimensions, RSCI.
In order to increase the visibility of the Demographic Review and maintain access to the journal's content, we make regular electronic backups using a number of platforms in Russia, КиберЛенинка, eLIBRARY, and worldwide such as CLOCKSS, LOCKSS, PKP Preservation Network.