• The online journal "Demographic Review" (ISSN 2409-2274) has been published since 2014 by theVishnevsky Institute of Demography, National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE). The founder is HSE.
  • Demographic Review is an academic open-access peer-reviewed journal addressed to professional demographers and others interested in demography.
  • We consider our journal as a platform for publishing research papers, discussions, scientific reviews, translations of classical and contemporary works of foreign authors, reviews, and informational, archival and other materials that contribute to the development of demographic science, the dissemination of demographic knowledge and the expansion and integration of the research community working in the field of demography and related disciplines.
  • The journal publishes letters from readers about all the materials appearing in the journal, as well as those assessing the work of the journal as a whole.
  • Our journal is published 4 times a year in Russian. In addition, we annually publish one issue in English containing translations of selected papers from previously published Russian-language issues.
  • Full texts of the papers are open access and can be freely downloaded from the journal website.
  • The Journal adheres to the policy of open access. Editorial of the Journal allows readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles and allows readers to use them for any other lawful purpose in accordance with Budapest Open Access Initiative's definition of Open Access.
  • No fee is charged from the authors for publication in our journal.
  • Copyrights for the published articles belong to the journal "Demographic Review". Reproduction of any materials is possible only by agreement with the Editorial Office.
  • The journal is affiliated with the weekly journal «Demoscope Weekly», published since 2001. All the materials of "Demoscope" (for the current and previous years) are available to visitors of “Demographic Review” website with one click.

The journal was registered on October 13, 2016 in the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media. Certificate of Mass Media Registration ЭЛФС77-67362. ISSN 2409-2274