The effect of caring for older and disabled relatives on the employment, health and economic status of caregivers

  • Elena Grishina Institute for Social Analysis and Prediction RANEPA
  • Elena Tsatsura Institute for Social Analysis and Prediction RANEPA
Keywords: career, long-term care, informal care, elderly social care


In Russia, as in most other countries, it is the relatives who bear the main burden of caring for the elderly and disabled. Based on the survey data “Comprehensive Observation of the Living Conditions of the Population”, the article analyses the effect of related care on the situation of caregivers. In particular, it has been shown that people of working age caring for relatives are less likely to have a job, more often work part-time or part-time, and are more likely to have a chronic illness and lower health self-assessment. Intensive care (more than 20 hours per week) increases the negative impact on employment and health self-assessment. Among people of working age who are providing intensive family care, the proportion of the poor and extremely poor is higher and the proportion of people with an average income of more than two subsistence levels is lower. This implies that a comprehensive system of measures aimed at supporting relatives providing care is needed - in particular, at preserving jobs, developing flexible forms of employment, expanding programs for temporary and day care, providing consulting support and organizing full-time and distance learning of caring skills.


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How to Cite
GrishinaE., & TsatsuraE. (2020). The effect of caring for older and disabled relatives on the employment, health and economic status of caregivers . Demographic Review, 7(2), 152-171.
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