Demographic features of industrial serfs in the 18th-19th centuries: parish registers of the village of Kudinovo in the Bogorodsky district, 1777-1862

  • Vlas Ryazanov Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: Russia, historical demography, marriages, births, deaths, parish registers, eighteenth century, nineteenth century, industrialization, peasants


The author uses parish registers of Kudinovo in the Moscow region as a source of information about the demographics of serfs employed in industrial production of textiles and bricks. The neighboring parish of Biserovo, with state peasants and no industrial facilities, is used for comparison. Nearly all demographics of industrial serfs are higher than those of their free neighbors. Industrial serfs married earlier, wedded younger women, had more sons surviving to adulthood, and their population grew by a third faster despite lower adult life expectancy. Economic protection by the nobility, most notably their exemption from income tax, allowed many peasants to run their own business and then move into the merchant class.


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How to Cite
Ryazanov V. (2022). Demographic features of industrial serfs in the 18th-19th centuries: parish registers of the village of Kudinovo in the Bogorodsky district, 1777-1862. Demographic Review, 9(2), 4-21.
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