Impact of social-economic and demographic factors on probability of preterm birth

  • Liubov Shchevyeva Lomonosov Moscow State University
Keywords: fertility, delaying childbirth, social and economic factors of childbearing, demographic factors of childbearing, mean age at childbearing, Moscow, preterm birth


In recent years, in Moscow as well as in the world, there has been a trend towards an increase in the average age at birth, which can lead to an increase in the likelihood of stillbirth or the birth of a premature baby, possibly permanent childlessness, and a negative impact on the mother’s health. The shift in the peak of first births in 2018 to the age group of 24-26 years, and of second births to the age group of 31 years in Russia and in Moscow in particular, was a result of the impact of the maternity capital, a family policy measure introduced in January 2007. To prevent pathologies and negative pregnancy outcomes, governments in developed countries are taking measures to monitor the health of women who give birth at a later age, which is important for the condition of women before, during and after pregnancy, and for the health of their future children. In Russia too it is necessary to modernize the system of pregnancy management in order to provide pregnant women and women in childbirth of different ages with better medical services.

The research data consists of 15 thousand scans of depersonalized medical birth certificates from a Civil Registration Office in the Moscow region for the period 2011-2017. Using Logit models, it was shown that with an increase in the age of the mother, the probability of having a premature baby increases. At the same time, with each subsequent child, the likelihood of premature birth also increases. The results were robust when a number of variables were added to the model, such as higher education, birth order, and registration before 12 weeks of gestation.


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How to Cite
Shchevyeva L. (2022). Impact of social-economic and demographic factors on probability of preterm birth. Demographic Review, 9(3), 44-57.
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