Calendars and sequences of events during the transition to adulthood among different generations in France, Estonia and Russia

  • Ekaterina Mitrofanova HSE University
Keywords: timing of events, sequence analysis, transition to adulthood, life course, France, Estonia, Russia


The composition of the transition to adulthood can be represented in many ways. For example, with a calendar created by calculating the median ages of the onset of different starting events. This method is simple and visually intuitive, but it does not consider the variability of individual life courses. The second method is Sequence Analysis, which works with a holistic chain of the starting events within each individual life course.

We applied both methods to visualize the transition to adulthood in France, Estonia and Russia. A comparative study was carried out on data from the first wave of the Generations and Gender Survey by sex for generations born from 1930 to 1979.

As markers of becoming adult, we used the following: the first separation from parents, completion of education, entry into the first partnership, entry into the first marriage and the birth of the first child.

Timing analysis showed that separation from parents does not change its position in the calendar of events for the countries and generations considered. Professional education was postponed only in France (when moving from older to younger generations), while there is no change in medians in the Estonian and Russian generations. Demographic events were postponed only in France, while in Estonia and Russia there was even rejuvenation, which highlights the problem of this method: among younger generations, not all had experienced all the events they would have liked. Hence, while the preliminary results may look like rejuvenation, this may just be a postponement of events.

Sequence Analysis neutralized the problem areas of medians and showed the convergence of patterns of the transition to adulthood: biographies of young respondents became more diverse in all three countries; marriage was delayed; partnership became the event with which demographic trajectories begin.


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How to Cite
Mitrofanova E. (2023). Calendars and sequences of events during the transition to adulthood among different generations in France, Estonia and Russia . Demographic Review, 10(1), 108-135.
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