Tatars of the Ryazan region in the XX century: geography of settlement, population dynamics, migration trends
The article discusses various demographic and migration processes among the Tatars of the Ryazan region, consisting of two ethno-territorial groups – Kasimov Tatars and Mishar Tatars. The analysis of statistical data, narrative sources, and data from the "Memorial" database of the dead and missing in the Great Patriotic war, revealed a special and leading role of Central Asia (especially Uzbekistan) in migration patterns of the Tatars of the Ryazan region. It was found that the two main groups of Tatars in the Ryazan region – Kasimov Tatars and Mishar Tatars – have distinct features, clearly distinguishing them from each other both in terms of the dynamics of growth/decline of population in their habitats of residence, and in the direction of their migration flows. An original method of identifying directions of migration flows was also developed based on the "Memorial" database, which contains documents on the irretrievable losses of the Red Army in World War II by the criterion of "place of birth – place of recruiting".
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