The role of interfamily exchange in the system of material support and care for the elderly in modern Russia

  • Лидия Михайловна Прокофьева
  • Анна Алексеевна Миронова International Research and Teaching Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research; Centre for Studies of Income and Living Standards
Keywords: the elderly, interfamily exchanges, social support


This article is devoted to the issue of assistance to the elderly from the interfamily support network and the participation of the elderly in interfamily exchanges. Data of representative surveys (RLMS-HSE, 2013, Integrated monitoring of population life conditions in Russia, 2011) show the importance of relatives’ support for older people. Relatives provide not only material aid which significantly exceeds the amount of social aid, but also a broad array of necessary services including psychological support in adapting to a new stage of the life cycle after finishing labor activity. 

We define the target group of our study and its socio-demographic characteristics, including the distinguishing features of regional location. The main focus of the study is the most vulnerable group of older people: persons living alone and married couples living apart. Due to underdevelopment of the service industry for the elderly, support aid from relatives and neighbors is vital for this group of older people. 


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How to Cite
ПрокофьеваЛ. М., & МироноваА. А. (2016). The role of interfamily exchange in the system of material support and care for the elderly in modern Russia. Demographic Review, 2(3), 69-86.