Peasant resettlement in the 1920s (from the history of migration in Russia)

  • Валентина Михайловна Моисеенко Lomonosov Moscow State University
Keywords: Russia, Immigration policy, transformation of migration, resettlement, agrarian overpopulation, colonization, resettlement case, resettlement statistics, the composition of immigrants, planned resettlement, effectiveness of the resettlement


The transformation of migration after October 1917 due to the inevitable radical reconstruction of the political and socio-economic system of society resulted in a change of its basic features. The theoretical basis of this transformation was laid during the years of military communism and was in much in demand at the end of the 1920s.

Due to objective and subjective reasons, the transformation could not affect the migration of peasants to areas rich in agricultural land, which was closely linked to the stage of pre-war resettlement and colonization, and remained one of the central problems in the 1920s. The features of the regulation of these processes (the late start of planned resettlement in 1924-1925s and the end of resettlement of individual farms in 1930s, the abolition of the term "colonization") influenced the attitude towards processes that played an important role in the history of Russia. But the short period of resettlement and colonization in the 1920s was preceded by a period full of movements of peasants to the Asian part of Russia and of discussion of the prospects of this process. Therefore, it was impossible to ignore the pre-war trends and implications of relocation in the 1920s, as well as the great experience - informational, legislative and organizational – of resettlement. The "conductors" of such experience were scientists and experts. Some of them worked at the former Resettlement Department. However, an attempt to revive the resettlement plans contradicted the plans of the state. In the late 1920s, the state of resettlement was assessed as critical. At the same time, studies of colonization and migration were stopped.

In fact, resettlement of peasants from the 1880s until the end of the 1920s was a single process. This circumstance determined the structure of the article. At the same time the least studied is the last stage - resettlement in the 1920s.


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How to Cite
МоисеенкоВ. М. (2016). Peasant resettlement in the 1920s (from the history of migration in Russia). Demographic Review, 2(3), 87-141.
Historical demography