How to overcome Russia’s lag in life expectancy?
The article presents materials of the Round table organized by the editorial office of the "Demographic Review" together with the HSE Institute of Demography. Roundtable participants conclude that there is a significant gap between Russia and most developed countries in life expectancy, and discuss recent trends in mortality and life expectancy in Russia and the question of their regional differences. They consider that the current state of statistical information on mortality and morbidity of the population of Russia should be critically assessed. Sex-specific mortality and changes in the structure of causes of death in Russia since 1990 are discussed, and the link between mortality trends and alcohol consumption is examined. Roundtable participants pay attention to the low efficiency of the Russian health care system and reflect on ways of improving the system, without which it is impossible to overcome the current Russian backwardness.
The Round table, held on April 17, 2015, was attended by the leading experts in the field of demography and public health:
Evgeny Andreev, Senior Fellow at the Center of Demographic Research, New Economic School;
Anatoly Vishnevsky, Director of the Institute of Demography, National Research University Higher School of Economics;
Sergey Ermakov, Professor, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Social and Economic Studies of Population; Chief Researcher at the Research Institute of Health Organization and Informatics, Ministry of Health of Russia;
Alla Ivanov, Professor, Head of the Department of Population Health Statistics at the Research Institute of Health Organization and Informatics, Ministry of Health of Russia;
Ekaterina Kvasha, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Demography, National Research University Higher School of Economics;
Yury Komarov, Professor, Member of the Committee of Civil Initiatives;
Tatiana Kharkova, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Demography, National Research University Higher School of Economics;
Sergey Shishkin, Director of the Health Policy Centre, National Research University Higher School of Economics;
Vladimir Shkolnikov, Head of the Laboratory of Demographic Data at Max Planck Institute of Demographic Research (Germany).
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