Migration plans of graduates of Moldavian universities

  • Валерий Георгиевич Мошняга Moldova state university
  • Валентин Дмитриевич Цуркан Moldova state university
Keywords: internal migration, international migration, educational migration, return migration, migration intention


The migration plans of Moldovan university graduates are oriented above all towards departing to other countries, returning to their previous place of residence, and migrating to “another locality” within the country. Potential migration of graduates is motivated by factors such as “decent living standards”, “the possibility of attaining high income”, and “the cultural environment”. Returning migrants are counting most of all on a good salary and the possibility of finding an interesting job, as well as on the help of relatives.

The factors prompting them to migrate are first and foremost economic: the expected income of the majority of graduates does not allow them to achieve the status of a “middle-income family”. The results of this research can be used in decision-making in the domains of youth, migration, and education policies.

Information on potential migration from among the student youth is important, as, first of all, it allows an assessment of the effectiveness of college education in providing the Republic of Moldova with highly qualified employees. Secondly, it allows one to determine the professions most vulnerable to the “brain-drain” phenomenon. And thirdly, such information is vital for the safety of those graduates who are about to realize their migration plans, both within the country and outside of it.


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How to Cite
МошнягаВ. Г., & ЦурканВ. Д. (2015). Migration plans of graduates of Moldavian universities. Demographic Review, 2(2), 54-73. https://doi.org/10.17323/demreview.v2i2.1782