Changes in the structure of Russian households in 1994-2013 (statistical analysis)
Comparing the family structure of the population and the composition of households is currently a topic of great importance. One of the problems with studying family composition is that most of the data used by demographers comes from census and other cross-sectional sources of information. Cross-sectional data provide only a single snapshot of family structure and do not allow for an analysis of changes within families over a period.
Individual transitions among different household types and duration of stay in a household of a given type are studied with the method of survival analysis using the Kaplan-Meier survival function. Analysis is based on the data of the panel study ‘Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey’ (RLMS) of HSE from1994 until 2013.
RLMS data provide a unique opportunity to observe the same households over time, as well as the opportunity to fix all the changes in the household’s state and the time of an event. The applied statistical methods make it possible to overcome the limitations associated with the character of RLMS panel data, as well as to evaluate the probability of a household’s status change, taking into account the length of stay of individuals in households and the factors influencing this probability.
Although we do not study the causes of the observed distribution of households, because of their diversity and complexity of interpretation, our descriptive analysis provides a basis for further analytical study of the causes of the transformation of households.
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