Russian population in the miror of 2010 census

  • Александр Владимирович Акимов Department of Demography


The review of the book "The population of Russia 2010-2011. Eighteenth-nineteenth annual demographic report" prepared by the Institute of Demography of the National Research University 'Higher school of economics' is presented. A high value of the analysis of the results of the Russian 2010 population census against the background of the ongoing long-term monitoring of the demographic situation in Russia also provided by the Report’s authors is noted. Contents of the report as well as the presentation of material make it useful and accessible source of data for various categories of readers from professional demographers and policy makers to students of non-demographic specialties and the general public.


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How to Cite
АкимовА. В. (2014). Russian population in the miror of 2010 census. Demographic Review, 1(1), 170-174.
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