Alcohol and alcohol policy in Russia over the last 150 years

  • Evgeny Andreev HSE University
  • Elena Churilova HSE University
Keywords: alcohol policy, anti-alcohol campaign, alcohol consumption, mortality, population of Russia


The impact of alcohol on mortality in Russia is one of the highest in the world. Based on official data on alcohol-related mortality, documents on anti-alcohol policy, scientific publications of contemporaries and materials from the Izhevsk Family Survey, we analyze the dynamics of alcohol consumption, the impact of alcohol consumption on mortality and state alcohol policy.

Official statistics on deaths related to alcohol consumption appeared in 1870. The state has been trying to reduce the impact of alcohol on men's health for the past 110 years. We use standardized indices of male mortality from alcohol poisoning and external causes of death as an indicator of alcohol consumption.

We analyse the 150-year period from 1870 to the present, during which the Russian government has made various attempts to reduce the impact of alcohol on men's health. The arsenal of methods used in different periods of history has included raising excise taxes, a state monopoly on the vodka trade, restrictions on the time and place of alcohol sales, and the fight against hooch. However, none of these attempts can be considered successful. One reason for the setbacks is that alcohol policy has combined conflicting objectives of reducing the public health impact of alcohol and increasing government revenues from alcohol sales.

In the second half of the 20th century, economic difficulties were found to increase alcohol consumption. At the same time, a group of men with a high risk of dying from harmful alcohol consumption emerged in the Russian population. No state attempts to influence alcohol consumption have taken into account the existence of this group, which would explain the failure to achieve a long-term and sustainable reduction in mortality.


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How to Cite
AndreevE., & ChurilovaE. (2024). Alcohol and alcohol policy in Russia over the last 150 years. Demographic Review, 11(3), 4-24.
Original papers