Regional characteristics of birth control in Russia In 2018-2022

  • Victoria Sakevich HSE University
  • Boris Denisov Lomonosov Moscow State University
Keywords: Russia, induced abortion, spontaneous abortion, birth control, contraception, family planning, regional differences


The article is devoted to a spatial analysis of abortion rates in Russia. The main source of data is official statistics on abortions, the methodology of which, starting from 2018, makes it possible to obtain information not available in previous years. Differences between regions are examined in terms of the level of induced and spontaneous abortions, the share of abortions performed in the non-state health sector, and the frequency of use of medical methods of abortion. It is shown that, despite the general trend of declining abortion rates in Russia, significant interregional differences remain. In general, there is an increase in relative abortion rates from west to east and from south to north. About 2/3 of Russian women of reproductive age live in regions with low and very low levels of induced abortions, while 16% live in regions with a relatively high level of induced abortions, and the expected decrease in dispersion did not occur during the period under study. The authors conclude that comparing regions of the country in terms of the total number of abortions does not make much sense, since the ratio of induced and spontaneous abortions among pregnancies with abortive outcomes varies greatly between regions. The article also shows that there is a redistribution of induced abortions towards the private healthcare sector, which highlights the problem of limited availability of medical care within the framework of compulsory medical insurance. In several regions, the non-state health sector accounts for more than half of induced abortions. Women are looking for better quality services, preferring a safer medical method of abortion, which is much more often practiced in private clinics than in public ones.


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How to Cite
SakevichV., & DenisovB. (2024). Regional characteristics of birth control in Russia In 2018-2022. Demographic Review, 11(3), 67-87.
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