Crime of foreign migrants in Russia: facts and speculation

  • Konstantin Serdyukov Pacific Institute of Geography
Keywords: population migration, crimes, criminal activity of foreign citizens, crime rate, international migrants, crime rate of foreigners


The article, based on official statistics, presents a comprehensive description of the crime of foreign citizens and stateless persons (hereinafter referred to as FC and SP) in Russia. The work is based on the contrast between quantitative/qualitative indicators of crime among Russians/the permanent population of the Russian Federation and international migrants – non-citizens of the Russian Federation. Attention is focused on the high degree of mythologization of the issues under consideration, the tendency of the host community to overestimate the level of criminal activity of external migrants and exaggerate their social danger.

The author examines the dynamics and compares the crime rates of FC and SP, as well as the permanent population of Russia as a whole. According to the results of the study, social ideas about the unusually high criminal activity of foreigners on the territory of our country do not find objective confirmation. The criminal activity of international migrants at least does not exceed the criminal activity of the permanent population of the Russian Federation as a whole. It is noted that the crime rate of foreigners, compared to that of Russians, is characterized by an increased proportion of especially serious crimes, as well as crimes against law enforcement, and a reduced proportion of criminal acts committed against life and health.

Territorial differences in criminality of foreign migrants are analyzed. It is shown that its characteristic feature is an uneven distribution within various administrative-territorial units. Specific factors of foreign crime are identified. Significant areas for preventing criminal behavior of international migrants in Russia are listed. According to the author, the most important factor that determines the development of socially consistent models of the life activity of migrants in general is their regulated legal status.

In conclusion, it is emphasized that, taking into account the specifics of the phenomenon under consideration, official statistical data are not an exhaustive source for assessing the crime rate of foreign migrants in the Russian Federation, which is characterized by a high degree of latency and uncertainty.


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How to Cite
SerdyukovK. (2024). Crime of foreign migrants in Russia: facts and speculation. Demographic Review, 11(3), 88-101.
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