Geographic proximity of relatives and relocations of older adults: A study based on population registers in Norway and Sweden
The family remains one of the most important sources of support for older adults. Geographic proximity of family members has important implications for contact frequency, exchange of intergenerational transfers, emotional ties, older adults’ well-being, and the growing demand for formal and informal care. In light of population aging and increasing pressure on the sustainability of elderly care, this research on family proximity and relocations in older adulthood contributes to the literature on internal migration, aging, family relations, and social welfare. The research also provides new insights for policymakers and practitioners interested in balancing the involvement of the state and of the family in caregiving.
The overarching question was: How are needs-related life circumstances of older people associated with their own and their relatives’ migration and immobility (including older adults’ moves into institutionalized residential care)? To address this question, we drew on full population register data from Norway and Sweden to explore the role of needs for formal care, severe health problems (operationalized as closeness to death), and the absence or limited availability of core family members. Additional determinants of migration added nuance to the way we addressed the main research question. We tapped into the roles of ties to other family members, gender, usage of formal care services, and contextual differences and contextual differences in place of residence (e.g., municipal characteristics).
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