An estimation of household time transfers within households

  • Ирина Евгеньевна Калабихина Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • Жадра Канатовна Шайкенова Lomonosov Moscow State University
Keywords: time transfers, time use, unpaid work, gender inequality, housekeeping, the economy of care


This article is devoted to the study of the distribution of time transfers in Russian households, the determination of the roles of women and men in the production and consumption of household services, and the assessment of “invisible” domestic labor. The study is based on the methodology developed in the framework of the UN National Transfer Accounts Project. As a result of the research we have found an asymmetry of the household duties distribution function between males and females. An empirical dataset has shown that females produce on average almost 3 hours per day more time transfers than males. Thus, females between the ages of 20 and 80 years old provide housekeeping services for the entire household. When household chores are included, a woman’s ordinary 8-hour working day may be up to 40% longer. The traditional conclusions about the greater contribution of women both to the care economy and to housekeeping are supported by original conclusions about the age peaks for men and women in the production and consumption of time transfers. A matrix of intergenerational and intergender time transfers was constructed. The volume of "invisible" domestic labor was 25.3% of GDP in 2014.



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How to Cite
КалабихинаИ. Е., & ШайкеноваЖ. К. (2019). An estimation of household time transfers within households. Demographic Review, 5(4), 36-65.
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