Education level as a factor in demographic forecasting

Review of the book «World Population & Human Capital in the Twenty-First Century»

  • Aleksei Shchur National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: population projections, education levels, mortality, fertility, migration


The book is devoted to issues of forecasting the size and structure of the Earth’s population until the end of the XXI century; it focuses on both the methodological aspects of making such demographic projections and on the consequences of various forecast scenarios for future trajectories of human development. The authors pay special attention to the level of education - in their opinion, the most significant component of human capital. At the same time, the educational structure of the population is not only a derivative of demographic changes and the pace of "education expansion" in various regions and countries of the world, but also itself has and will continue to have a significant impact on demographic processes. This is precisely the kind of defining impact education will have for the population of our planet in the 21st century.


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How to Cite
ShchurA. (2019). Education level as a factor in demographic forecasting. Demographic Review, 6(2), 204-208.