Racial profiling: the history and current state of research
Studies of racial profiling in Russia have confirmed the existence of this problem. However, its development, which began in the mid-2000s, has so far progressed only slightly. The Russian-speaking reader is practically unfamiliar with the theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of racial profiling developed abroad. This article is intended to fill the lack of information about foreign studies of racial profiling and is the first review of the literature on this topic in Russian. The article examines the history of the study of racial discrimination in the criminal justice system in the English-speaking scientific world, and analyzes the transformation of racial profiling into a separate research area in the early nineties and its further development in the 2000s. The main methodological approaches to the study of racial profiling, their possibilities and limitations are presented. The key theoretical approaches to the understanding of racial disparities in law enforcement are considered. In conclusion, based on the understanding of the experience gained, a number of recommendations for planning future studies are given. Attention is drawn to the need to distinguish more clearly between intentional racial profiling authorized by the state; the policies of individual police departments; the personal initiative of police officers; and statistical discrimination reflecting social inequality. When conducting quantitative studies, it is recommended to use several data sources and several analytical methods. The need to be cautious in conclusions, avoiding haste and bias, is emphasized. When interpreting the empirical data obtained, it is recommended to consider all possible conceptual explanations, including racially neutral ones.
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