Socio-economic determinants of child and adolescent mortality from external causes in Moscow
Child and adolescent mortality in Russia exceeds the indicators of the leading countries in terms of life expectancy. A significant contribution to this comes from mortality from external causes. The experience of other countries shows that it is possible to reduce mortality from this class of causes through social policy measures. The article analyzes the influence of social and economic characteristics of Moscow districts on mortality from external causes in them among children and adolescents in 2016-2017. Based on data from the Federal State Statistics Service, CIAN, the Database of indicators of municipalities, as well as anonymous data from the Moscow registry office, maps of the infant mortality rate of Moscow and a Tobit model for assessing the mortality rate depending on the social characteristics of the area were constructed. It was revealed that for the younger age group from 1 to 4 years, the most significant factor is parental supervision, while for the older groups, 5-9, the indicators of income and well-being of the district become significant. For adolescents aged 10-15, in addition to income, the crime rate in the region and the level of economic inequality are significant.
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