Socio-economic risks of the stigmatization of HIV-positive persons using the example of college students

  • Yulia Korshunova HSE University
Keywords: HIV, stigma, socio-economic risks, stigmatizing attitudes, HIV awareness


This article looks at the phenomenon of the stigmatization of HIV-positive persons and its socio-economic risks by examining cases from the lives of college students. The author conducted in-depth interviews among students of both medical and non-medical Russian universities and a semi-structured expert survey. The results of the in-depth interviews revealed stigmatizing attitudes towards HIV-positive people among students as well as the level of HIV awareness among them, which was analyzed by the author. The research provides a comparison between the results of students from medical and non-medical universities. Based on the results of an expert survey, the effectiveness of the following measures to combat HIV stigma in Russia was assessed: informing the population on HIV related issues via health organizations and the mass media; providing information about HIV to children at schools; conducting research on HIV related topics; international cooperation and information exchange to combat HIV; protecting people with HIV from discrimination at the legislative level. Experts assessed the need to introduce additional measures implemented in foreign countries. Practical recommendations for the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health, and the Federal Assembly were developed to reduce socio-economic risks from the stigmatization of HIV-positive people.


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How to Cite
Korshunova Y. (2024). Socio-economic risks of the stigmatization of HIV-positive persons using the example of college students. Demographic Review, 11(1), 61-80.
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