Who needs (or doesn't) three years of parental leave?
In this work we study the actual length of parental leave in Russia and the factors influencing it. In our estimates we use a survival analysis model applied to 20-year panel data from the nationally representative survey of the HSE RLMS.
According to the results, shorter actual leave is more often observed among women who have better connections with the labor market (a higher level of education, work experience) and wider external and intra-family resources for childcare. On the contrary, older age, having another child and living in areas with lower mean wages discourage young mothers from returning to work. We also show that the probability of an earlier return to work after the birth of a first child in the 2010s decreased significantly compared to the 2000s, which we explain by the introduction of the maternity capital program and increased state support of families with children, which together with the stagnation of labor incomes could reduce the interest of families in an earlier return of young mothers to work.
International comparisons show that Russia belongs to the group of countries with the longest paid maternity and parental leave; at the same time, it is only in the 4th quintile in terms of the labor force participation rate among women aged 15-64. Taking these results into account, we suggest some improvements to the parental leave policy. Among other possibilities, we suggest considering flexible leave (reducing duration while keeping the same total payment) and discontinuous leave (giving parents the right to go back on unpaid leave if necessary), as well as the introduction of non-transferable paternity leave.
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