Mortality in Moscow and other megacities of the world: similarities and differences
The paper is devoted to a comparison of mortality by cause of death in Moscow and other megacities of the world in the period after 1990. The selection of megacities was determined by the availability of detailed mortality data in the period under consideration. The objects of our comparison are data for Berlin, Hong Kong, London, Los Angeles, New York, Singapore, St. Petersburg, and Tokyo. Mortality from major groups of causes of death are considered, including cardiovascular diseases, neoplasms, external causes, diseases of the respiratory and digestive organs, infections and some others. The analysis uses standardized mortality rates by cause of death.
The mortality level in Moscow is significantly lower than in the majority of regions of Russia, but is still substantially higher than in foreign megacities. Due to a big lag at the beginning of the period, the mortality level in Moscow nowadays is higher than in all considered foreign megalopolises in the year 2000. Where Moscow’s mortality level most lags behind others is in mortality from circulatory diseases and external causes. Moscow's successes in reducing mortality in 2000-2014 are very impressive. However, it is difficult to predict how events will unfold in the deteriorating economic situation.
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