Family and household in Russia: the demographic aspect

Keywords: family, household, demographic structure of households, population census, family units


The article examines the evolution of the demographic structure of households in Russia based on a detailed analysis of national population censuses and micro-censuses for a long time series and a comparison of census data for different years.  It is noted that, due to the fact that the object of Soviet censuses was the family, while the object of post-Soviet censuses is the household, there are certain limitations on analysis of a long time series for Russia. At the same time, the focus on the household in Russian censuses makes it possible to compare them with the statistics of households in many foreign countries. The main trends in the size and structure of households in Russia are revealed based on the data of population censuses and population micro-censuses. A comparative analysis between the structure of households in Russia and those in foreign countries (European countries and the USA) is made. It is shown that, despite the decrease in the average household size and the growth in the share of single households, the share of extended households in Russia is still much higher than in Europe and the USA. The structure of Russian households is characterized by a relatively low proportion of married couples without children and a high proportion of single-parent family households (especially of single-parent families within complex households).


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How to Cite
МироноваА. А., & ПрокофьеваЛ. М. (2018). Family and household in Russia: the demographic aspect. Demographic Review, 5(2), 103-121.
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