Submitting a manuscript

  1. The properly prepared manuscript should be sent in electronic form to the editorial office (E-mail: with a copy to the secretary in charge (E-mail: The editors must confirm receipt of the manuscript.
  2. By sending the manuscript to the editorial office, the corresponding author confirms that he has read and agrees with the Publication Ethics adopted in the journal "Demographic Review".
  3. All incoming manuscripts are reviewed by the editorial staff for formal compliance with the requirements of the journal. Articles not corresponding to the subject matter of the journal and not drawn up in accordance with the rules of the journal are not accepted for consideration, of which the author is notified.
  4. Articles accepted for consideration are submitted for discussion at the next meeting of the editorial staff, where the question of appointing reviewers is decided.
  5. After anonymous review, the author is sent reviews with a proposal to make corrections in accordance with the comments of reviewers and the editorial board or to re-submit the article. In the event that the manuscript cannot be accepted for publication, the author is sent a refusal with a reasoned explanation.
  6. After the article is accepted, the author should submit files with pictures and data for them